Paper Processing: Common Author OversightsInitial Instructions for Editing Team TitleThe title should use 14 pt bold UPPERCASE letters, except for units (e.g., GeV) and acronyms (e.g., SwissFEL) and be centered on the page. AuthorsThe names of authors, their organizations/affiliations, and mailing addresses should be in 12 pt uppercase and lowercase letters. When there is more than one author, the submitting author should be first, followed by the co-authors. Co-authors should be grouped by affiliation and then listed alphabetically. Primary authors are kindly reminded that it is their responsibility to check the accuracy of the title and co-authors entered in the JACoW SPMS database. There should be an exact match to those appearing in the paper. This is required to ensure the proper indexing of authors to papers in the published proceedings. Section HeadingsSection headings should NOT be numbered. They should use 12 pt bold UPPERCASE and be centered in the column. Subsection HeadingsSubsection headings should use 12 pt italic letters with Initial Caps or Title case: the initial letters are capitalized, and the heading is left aligned in the column. Two line headings are justified. Subsubsection Headings (Third-level Headings)Third-level Headings headings should use 10 pt bold letters and be run into the paragraph text with Initial Caps or Title case. Between heading and paragraph text is a »1 em/emspace« distance. FiguresFigure captions should be placed below the figure and be centered if on one line but right-justified if spanning two or more lines: Figure 1: A one-line figure caption.
Note the colon “:” after the figure number and the period “.” at the end of the caption. Figure 1 shows a schematic view of ... Tables:The publishing standards of today dictate that tables are to be drawn without vertical lines. See Table 1 in the template. Table 1: Table Heading
Note the colon “:” after the table number, capitalized initial letters of the table heading, and the absence of a period at the end of the caption. It is also acknowledged, however, that in some instances authors find it necessary to replace the table heading with an actual sentence. In such cases, follow the formatting rules given for figure captions. The table caption should, however, always be placed above the table. When referring to a table from within the text, the convention here is NOT to abbreviate, i.e., write Table 1. EquationsIf a displayed equation requires a number, it should be placed flush with the right margin of the column. The reference to the equation is given with »Eq. (1)« unless the reference is at the start of the sentence where »Equation (1)« is to be used. ReferencesReferences are written in 9 pt and should be justified with a 0.25-in (7-mm) hanging indent, i.e., neatly presented with reference numbers aligned. DOIs and URLs should use the font »Liberation Mono« in 8pt for Word and OOD. |