Important Information at a GlanceTemplatesPapers submitted for publication to JACoW conferences should be prepared with LaTex, MS Word, or OpenDocument, using the most recent JACoW templates: Formatting of referencesAs part of ongoing efforts to increase the impact of JACoW publications, correct formatting of references is necessary. Please take care to use the proper format for references, as detailed in the templates, when preparing your papers. If using LaTeX, the easiest way to ensure correct format is to use BibTex, in which case the JACoW template will automatically take care of the formatting of references. Papers with references which are incorrectly-formatted or are missing needed information, such as DOIs, may be returned to the author with a red dot for correction. The JACoW Reference Search Tool provides you with correct and complete citations for JACoW publications, formatted for pasting into either LaTeX or MS Word documents. A usage guide for the Reference Search Tool is here Cat Scan Tool for checking papers before submissionThe Cat Scan Tool can be used by authors to check a DOCX or LaTeX document for common formatting errors and deviations from the requirements specified in the JACoW templates. Authors, especially if preparing submissions using MS Word, are encouraged to use the Cat Scan tool to help catch and correct formatting errors in their prior to submission. Details and a usage guide for the Cat Scan tool are here. |